High Efficiency Valve Gearbox
Efficiency gains are achieved through multi-start, while using the latest Gearbox Backstop patent to allow the gearbox to be locked.
The overall efficiency of the gearbox is increased by 200% to 300% while optimising costs.
Conventional worgears need to take into account the self-locking characteristics and must maintain an inherent machining angle. STARD AUTOMATION utilizes a patented locking device called Backstop to make high efficiency wormgears self-locking.
Electric applications can be optimised with STARD high efficiency worm gears for faster shutdown times. Manual applications can also be optimised for fewer operating turns, larger manually operated valve pass diameters and lower installation and maintenance costs.
Manual Application, Optimized Turns to Operate
Required Gearbox
Output Torque(NM)
Gearbox Ratio
Gearbox Mechanical
Gearbox Efficiency
Handwheel Diameter(MM)
Turns to Operate
Standard Efficiency Wormgear
32000 700:1 168 25.00% 800 175 High Efficiency Wormgear
32000 408:1 213 51.00% 800 102